
XTI Solutions s.r.o
Parková 45
821 05 Bratislava

Commercial register:  IČO54 603 137
VAT ID: SK 21 21 72 91 37
EORI-Nr.:  SK 21 21 72 91 37
Telefon: + 421233323460
E-mail address: [email protected]

Bank details internationally:
IBAN: BE75 9676 1306 7951

Start date of the legal form:
May 2022

Job description/business branch:
Sale of solar and photovoltaic modules, arranging contracts, development of large-scale photovoltaic systems and trade in goods of all kinds except regulated trades..

XTI Solutions s.r.o
Parková 45
821 05 Bratislava
Phone: + 421233323460
E-mail address: [email protected]

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